On this page, you will learn about each different setting that you can change in the config.yml
The config.yml file is the main configuration file of SmoothTimber. It currently handles everything that you can configure in SmoothTimber. From enchantments to options on when the cutter should activate and more. |
Every config that has a lower version than this documentation could have different settings or values. |
Name | Description |
<number> | A <number> is a natural number from 0 to 2147483647. Any value which is higher than that will cause errors. |
<largeNumber> | A <largeNumber> is a natural number from 0 to 9223372036854775807. Any value which is higher than that will cause errors. |
<decimal> | A <decimal> is a rational number from 0 to 1.7976931348623157 x 10^308 Since the highest value is so high that the server would possibly crash if you enter the highest value, I wouldn't recommend you to try it out. |
<material> | A <material> is a Minecraft block/item type defined by the Material enum class of Bukkit. Every material name is listed on this page. |
<state> | A <state> can be defined as true or false. |
<toggle> |
A <toggle> can be defined as on, off or none. on means that the function is enabled and if the state is true you are able to cut trees Please note: you have to add the '' characters for on and off! |
<world> | A <world> is the name of an existing world. |
Key | Possible values | Default value | Description |
debug | <state> | false | Enables more advanced logging of errors |
sync-time | <number> | 50 |
Configures the time in ms that the sync-detection waits until a process is done. If the process was done faster than the configured time then the sync-detection will just continue, so this setting |
Key | Possible values | Default value | Description |
radius | <number> | 2 | Defines the detection range of blocks in each horizontal direction. If you set it to for example 5, then SmoothTimber would search for wood in an area of 11x11 around the block you broke. |
depth | <number> | 3 | Defines the detection height of blocks that should be found beneath the tree. If you set it to for example 5, then SmoothTimber would search for wood 5 blocks beneath the actual block you broke. So basically it's searching for the tree's roots. |
materials | <material> | all axes | Define the item types that the cutter tool of SmoothTimber should react to. If you set it to for example STONE, then you could use STONE to break trees with SmoothTimber. |
Key | Possible values | Default value | Description |
sync-detection | <state> | false |
Enables sync detection for wood. <color #AD0E4C><bold>Please note:</bold> this setting is not recommended to be used for servers that use Paper or versions higher than 1.13</color>
sneak | <toggle> | off | Toggles the sneak functionality. |
toggleable | <toggle> | off | Toggles the toggleable functionality. |
animation | <state> | true | Enables the tree cutting animation. |
collect-instantly | <state> | false | Enables instant item collection so that no items are dropped. |
Key | Possible values | Default value | Description |
wood-type | <state> | false | Enables the need of permissions for each wood type |
cutter-type | <state> | false | Enables the need of permissions for each cutter type |
Key | Possible values | Default value | Description |
enabled | <state> | true | Enables the cut limit functionality. |
default | <number> | 1000 | Specifies the default amount of blocks that a player without special permissions can break at one time. |
Key | Possible values | Default value | Description |
enabled | <state> | true | Enables the cooldown functionality. |
default | <largeNumber> | 20000 | Specifies the default amount of milliseconds that a player gets cooldown after cutting a tree. |
Key | Possible values | Default value | Description |
enabled | <state> | true | Enables the compatibility for the unbreaking enchantment. |
Key | Possible values | Default value | Description |
enabled | <state> | false | Enables the compatibility for the fortune enchantment. |
multiplier | <decimal> | 1.0 | Sets the multiplier for the drop amount calculation in relation to the fortune enchantment strength. |
Key | Possible values | Default value | Description |
enabled | <state> | false | Enables the functionality to remove blocks from the wood detection algorithm, |
list | <material> | - | Defines the block types that should be removed from the wood detection algorithm. |
Key | Possible values | Default value | Description |
enabled | <state> | false | Enables the functionality to add blocks to the wood detection algorithm, |
list | <material> | - | Defines the block types that should be added to the wood detection algorithm. |
Key | Possible values | Default value | Description |
enabled | <state> | false | Enables the functionality to restrict or exclude SmoothTimber to specific worlds. |
blacklist | <state> | false | Switches between restricting to the defined worlds and excluding the defined worlds. |
list | <world> | default worlds | Defines which worlds should be restricted or excluded. |