The village.yml is used to handle village-generation in your RWG-World.
NOTE: You will find it in plugins/RealisticWorldGenerator/worlds/<YourWorld>/border.yml
This is the default configuration of the village.yml and should look like this:
chance: 19
x: 160
z: 160
enabled: true
min: 68
max: 100
Defines the chance for a village to spawn. This value is always X to 10.000 chunks. In this configuration you will find a village in 19 of 10.000 chunks.
Distance defines the distance between villages in blocks.
The distance on the x-axis in blocks
The distance on the z-axis in blocks
If villages should spawn set this value to true. If you want to disable villages set it to false.
Defines the height on the y-axis on which villages are allowed to spawn
The minimum y-position of the terrain, where villages are allowed to spawn
The maximum y-position of the terrain, where villages are allowed to spawn